About Ketamine
How can sublingual ketamine help?
Sublingual ketamine twice a week combined with integration sessions, in the comfort of your home, can help you achieve a sense of profound calmness so that you can process and reframe how you see your life. The medicine helps to disrupt your normal sense of perception and identity giving you a new frame of reference for a different possibility. Ketamine works organically on the brain to increase the functional capacity of the brain to create a neuroplastic process that will give you a window of opportunity to build new neural connections around more positive thoughts and habits. After the first treatment, most individuals report feeling calm, happier, hopeful motivated, and expansive. Ketamine combined with integration or therapy can lead to long-term mental wellness.
Mental wellness must be approached holistically, promoting mind-body integration that focuses on the entire person. We will guide you in implementing the lifestyle factors that are fundamental to a life without depression and anxiety. Factors such as physical movement, good nutrition, healthy sleep, healthy levels of stress and stress management, social connection, finding meaning and purpose and spiritual practices all play an important treating depression and anxiety. With our guidance, ketamine will become a tool in your toolbox along with many others.

What is ketamine?
Ketamine was approved by the FDA in 1970 as an anesthetic and analgesic, and has been listed on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines since 1985. It was used by corpsmen during the Vietnam War to treat wounded soldiers and is currently used in the ER for pediatric anesthesia. Since the 1990s ketamine has been used off-label for a variety of mental health conditions. For patients with anxiety and depression, we have seen that at lower doses, ketamine can disrupt negative feelings and preoccupations and help the brain create new, healthier patterns. .
The FDA approved a nasal spray containing esketamine called Spravato® in 2019. The nasal spray is prescribed along with an oral antidepressant to treat adults with treatment-resistant depression. Only patients with major depressive disorder and who have unsuccessfully tried two other forms of treatment may be prescribed Spravato®. In addition, Spravato® is only available through a restricted distribution system. Patients must self-administer the spray in a certified medical office while a healthcare provider monitors them for at least two hours.
How does ketamine work in the brain?
Depression and anxiety caused by chronic stress can arise from a variety of causes; poverty, physical, mental or sexual abuse, neglect, parental divorce, disabilities, and bullying, to name some. All of the above result in stress, anxiety, pain and feelings of low self-worth. It is these feelings that morph into depression and anxiety, beginning as early as the late teens and continue thereafter. This causes a change in brain chemistry brought on by stress, with subsequent changes in brain anatomy that are difficult to repair.
Traditional antidepressants target three neurotransmitters; serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine which together, they represent about 15% of the brain’s neurotransmitters. While the exact mechanism of action of ketamine is not well known, we do know that it works on many different levels. Ketamine targets the glutamate system, which is the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter released by nerve cells in the brain. It plays a major role in learning and memory. It is via the glutamate system and two important receptors, NMDA and AMPA receptors, that ketamine works to relieve depression and anxiety. Ketamine appears to increase the release of glutamate from the presynaptic neuron into the synaptic cleft. Ketamine then preferentially blocks glutamate at the NMDA receptors of the postsynaptic cell but does not block glutamate binding to adjacent AMPA receptors. The net effect is to increase AMPA activation. The effect is magnified by the way ketamine induces the neuron to make additional AMPA receptors and move them into the membrane of the synapse area.
By increasing the level of glutamate transmission while also shifting the balance of glutamate activation from NMDA to AMPA receptors, ketamine rapidly upregulates the production and release of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor). BDNF is a protein that helps promote the growth, maintenance, and survival of neurons — it is called fertilizer for the brain. BDNF enhances neuroplasticity. At the same time, ketamine stimulates another pathway called mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin), which regulates many processes involved in cell growth, including synthesizing the proteins needed for long-term memory. The combination of increased BDNF production and mTOR stimulation improves synaptic connectivity in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, key areas of the brain associated with emotional regulation, and reverses the synaptic damage that occurs in these areas when the brain is subjected to chronic stress. Animal models show us that the repair can begin in a matter of hours after the administration of ketamine. Symptoms of depression and anxiety improve when the damaged neurons can repair and regrow their connections with other neurons.
Is ketamine safe?
Ketamine is widely viewed as safe, effective, and well-tolerated for most people. It was first approved by the FDA for use as an anesthetic in the 1970s and is commonly used in emergency rooms for pediatric sedation. It is used with caution in patients with a history of uncontrolled blood pressure, psychosis or arrhythmias. Sublingual ketamine is considered safe when taken as prescribed by a medical provider. We strongly advise against the recreational use of ketamine since the strength and quality of the products are uncertain.
What are the side effects of ketamine?
Most people report having a positive experience with sublingual ketamine. Those who experience side effects with sublingual ketamine report lightheadedness, nausea, disorientation, or transient rise in blood pressure which last for a few minutes. Some people report changes in sensory perceptions such as visual or auditory hallucinations, feeling detached from yourself, your surroundings, or your environment. Changes in sensory perception is listed as a side effect, however, in the psychedelic space it can be considered part of your healing journey as you may gain insight from those experiences.
The effects of long-term use of sublingual ketamine have not been exhaustively studied. Much of what is known about the long-term side effects of ketamine is information garnered from those that have chronically abused ketamine. Long-term abuse of ketamine may lead to high blood pressure, reduced kidney function, bladder damage with cystitis, respiratory issues, increased heart rate, seizures, cognitive decline, mood changes, and memory difficulty.
The use of sublingual ketamine under the guidance of healthcare professionals is generally well tolerated, safe and effective.

What is integration and is integration mandatory?
Integration is the process of reflecting and acting upon the insights and lessons learned during the ketamine treatment.
Integration sessions are strongly recommended but not required. Integration services can be offered by therapists, coaches, and other practitioners, or may be self-guided. You will gain many benefits in relieving your symptoms of anxiety and depression just from the ketamine treatment itself. However, the biggest changes occur after and between ketamine treatments. Ketamine treatment gives you a window of opportunity to take advantage of the ketamine’s effect of increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) allowing for neurogenesis and neuroplasticity, creating new synaptic connections. The hard work that you do between ketamine treatments will make the difference in your healing journey.
How long do I have to use ketamine?
You may choose to stop your ketamine treatment at any time. We recommended planning for at least 3 ketamine treatments before determining if it is beneficial. Integration will allow you put the insights from sessions into practice allowing you to achieve lasting, long-term results. You will achieve symptom relief with ketamine alone however; without integration, you will eventually return to your baseline and more treatments will be needed to manage your symptoms.